PCL84:stä ei ole julkaistu audiodatoja. Sen sijaan ECL84:stä on julkaistu kyseiset datat ainakin Australiassa. Nämä datat eivät ole yleisesti saatavilla. PCL84 ja ECL84 eroavat toisistaan vain hehkun osalta. Seuraavat datat perustuvat Philipsin Australiassa julkaistuihin ECL84 datoihin.

Audio data is not published for PCL84. Instead they have been introduced for ECL84 in Australia. These datas is not commonly available. However PCL84 and ECL84 are the same tube excluding heating voltages. Following PCL84 data based on ECL84 data published in Australia.

MAXIMUM RATINGS (Design Centre Values)
Pentode Section
Plate voltage (without current) 550 volts
Plate voltage (see note 1) 250 volts
Plate dissipation 4 watts
Grid No.2 voltage (without current) 550 volts
Grid No.2 voltage 250 volts
Grid No.2 dissipation 1.7 watts
Cathode current 40 mA
External grid No,1 resistance

with cathode bias

2 megohms

with fixed bias

1 megohms
Heater-cathode voltage 200 volts
External heater-cathode resistance 20,000 ohms
Triode Section
Plate voltage (without current) +-550 volts
Plate voltage +-250 volts
Peak plate voltage (see note 2) 600 volts
Plate dissipation 1 watts
Cathode current 12 mA
External grid No,1 resistance

with cathode bias

3 megohms

with fixed bias

1 megohms
Heater-cathode voltage 200 volts
External heater-cathode resistance 20,000 ohms
Pentode Audio Power Amplifier Class A (Single Tube)
Plate supply voltage 200 250 volts
Grid No.2 supply voltage 200 250 volts
Cathode resistor 113 235 ohms
Zero-signal plate current 20.0 16.0 mA
Max.-signal plate current 18.5 15.0 mA
Zero-signal grid No.2 current 3.4 2.7 mA
Max.-signal grid No.2 current 5.4 4.3 mA
RMS signal input voltage 1.59 1.44 volts
Plate load resistance 10,000 17,500 ohms
Power output 1.65 1.65 watts
Total harmonic distortion 10 10 %
Pentode Audio Power Amplifier Class AB Push-Pull
Plate supply voltage 250 volts
Grid No.2 supply voltage 250 volts
Cathode resistor 117 ohms
Zero-signal plate current 2x16.0 mA
Max.-signal plate current 2x18.0 mA
Zero-signal grid No.2 current 2x2.7 mA
Max.-signal grid No.2 current 2x4.7 mA
RMS signal input voltage 3.5 volts
Plate load resistance 17,500 ohms
Power output 5.4 watts
Total harmonic distortion 4 %

1. According to 1971 databook maximum plate voltage is 300 V

2. With plate current less than 0.1 mA. Maximum voltage pulse duration 18% of a cycle with a maximum of 18 usec.
